Information For Renters At Property Managed By Nesbitt Realty
From time to time events and circumstances will require that Nesbitt Realty give you written notice. Written notifications are sent by fax, hand-delivery, mail or email. Sometimes we send written notifications using all three methods at the same time to make absolutely certain that a critical missive is received in a timely fashion. At other times, we only send one form of written communication.
If you have questions or comments about any written notices please reply in writing. You may reply by fax, hand-delivery, mail or email. Feel free to follow-up with a phone call or stop by the office. We like talking with our clients to maintain a personal and friendly relationship. We like written notices to maintain a formal record of what was said.
Nesbitt Realty will give you prior written notice if we need to enter your residence.
Nesbitt Realty will give you written notice at least 48 hours before pesticides are sprayed in your rental property, unless you agree to a shorter amount of warning time. Nesbitt Realty will put up notices where any pesticide treatments are being sprayed except in your residence.
Nesbitt Realty will give you proper notice of any rent increase. If you have signed a lease, your rent will not increase until the lease expires. If you rent month-to-month, Nesbitt Realty will give you a 30-day written notice before any increase in the rent.
If your rent is not received in a timely manner, Nesbitt Realty will send you a “5-day pay or quit notice.” If the rent is not paid within 5 days, of this notice, you will be evicted.
Tenant Services
Tools, tips and services for tenants in properties managed by Nesbitt Realty.
How & where to pay rent as well as frequently asked questions about late fees and other rent questions.
How to report maintenance issues. You may also wish to look at this information about repairs during tenancy.