Information For Renters Of Property Managed By Nesbitt Realty
If you lock yourself out of your rental, Nesbitt Realty can open your door. There is a fee for this of $50. Nesbitt Realty cannot and will not perform this service for anyone other than a signer of the lease.
Nesbitt Realty is not available at all hours and all times to perform this service. When we are unavailable and with written permission, the tenant can call a locksmith to drill the lock. In the event that locks are changed the tenant must supply new keys to the landlord or be charged for the cost of rekeying locks for the landlord.
Tenant Services
Tools, tips and services for tenants in properties managed by Nesbitt Realty.
How & where to pay rent as well as frequently asked questions about late fees and other rent questions.
How to report maintenance issues. You may also wish to look at this information about repairs during tenancy.